DSA - 4 Queues
Java About Queues Queues are opposite of stacks, they are implemented as a first in first out basis. They are used across many different applications such as printers, and web servers. It i...
Java About Queues Queues are opposite of stacks, they are implemented as a first in first out basis. They are used across many different applications such as printers, and web servers. It i...
About the problem The momento pattern is one of the most fundamental patterns in design. It is used to implement the undo mechanism. Imagine this scenario, we have an editor class public class Edi...
About The gradle build systems allows use to attach and include external binaries or other library modules to our build as dependencies. These dependencies can be located on our PC or from a remot...
DELEGATES an object which calls other methods a reference to a function/METHOD WHY DO WE NEED THEM? For designing extensible and flexible applicaitons (eg. frameworks). Its usage is simil...
Collections Collections are classes that we can use to a collection of objects. They are not limited to one type of objects, and they have no size constrains. We use collections to create dynamic ...
Pulled from: Mosh Hamedani About Interfaces an interface is like a class but it is of an abstract construct. An interface is simply a declaration of the capabilities (or services) that a cla...
Pulled from: Mosh Hamedan Method Overriding ^84042a Method overriding means changing the implementation of an inherited method. If we declare a method as virtual in the base class, we can o...
Pulled from: Mosh Hamedani Programming with Mosh - Learn the Skills to Land Your Dream Job Class Coupling A measure of how interconnected classes and subsystems are. The more coupled clas...
Access Modifiers Your classes should be like a black box. They should have limited visibility from the outside. The implementation, the detail, should be hidden. We use access modifiers (mo...
A class consists of 2 parts Methods and fields Method is basically functions that are contained within a class Fields are variables that are contained in a class Lets take this analogy We have a c...