Docker - 2 Dockerise Multistack Applications
The problem Let’s say we have a nextjs frontend and a python backend used to process some data. The current approach of deploying this project: On the nextjs stack npm install npm run build npm ru...
The problem Let’s say we have a nextjs frontend and a python backend used to process some data. The current approach of deploying this project: On the nextjs stack npm install npm run build npm ru...
About Stacks A stack data struture is a fundamental structure. It is the same as a List or array. Single dimension. Stacks are used to implement the undo feature. It is used in more complex code su...
Heading 1 heading 2 heading 3 heading 4 heading 5 heading 6 # Heading 1 ## heading 2 ### heading 3 #### heading 4 ##### heading 5 ###### heading 6 Line --- Block quotes > Bl...
Sebastian Lague, Essential math, Godot Vectors Complied by zenovak Understanding Vectors In games, we often use Vectors to represent coordinates instead of Carstesians. These are not quite t...
About Most computers these days have multiple cores, which allows multiple instructions to be carried out simultaneously. Nowadays it is an essential skill to master, and untilize this advantage in...
About Previously we have seen a rough predefined field of the default configuration file, and managed to launch our website. This time we will go over setting up some of the other commonly requir...
About NGINX is a reverse proxy server which allows you to forward an application on localhost be able to be accessed by an external IP with added support for commonly needed protocols like http2 or...
In order to connect to a web service and get resful api responses we need to use the Retrofit library. Making API requests using retrofit requires a little more verbose configurations compared to ...
About Let’s say we want to build a web browser. Every brower has the concept of history where we can visit previous websites using the back button. The problem is very similar to the momento patter...
Reference, Code with mosh About - The problem Let’s say we want to build a drawing application like photoshop. So we can have a canvas and a dashboard of tools. We can interact with the canvas...